Friday 21 December 2012

Mayan calendar

Mayan calendar

NASA has already secured a grateful nation, a civilization does not end tomorrow, thanks to the Mayans.

The pre-Columbian calendar, tizzy'd that people can just go back to the beginning of the space geeks say. Even the head of the Vatican astronomer jumped into the fight, claiming that life goes on.

Assuming that I wake up tomorrow intact, however, does not mean that it escaped the clutches of the end of the world. Instead, face a whole new list of apocalyptic predictions.

It turns out that there's a new kid on the block End Times.

The Maya of the way, what is the group at the top of the list?

Give a warm welcome to ... solar flares.

The website touts Make a prediction is a revival of a flashlight that she had not seen since the 1859th This magnetic storms disrupted telegraph and put it on a evening light show as bright people could read it in the newspaper.

There was a similar storm today, according to the website, the mobile phone would be useless, electricity is about to be destroyed, and the landscape is dotted with roving bands of unwashed hungry.

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