Monday 14 January 2013

Golden Globes

Ben Affleck in "Argo" won the Golden Globe for maybe just to make things easier "Lincoln" and more difficult to "Zero Dark Thirty."

The surprise victory Affleck historical drama about a group of Hollywood CIA diplomats plan to store in the 1979 Iranian hostage Oscar watchers stunned. Steven Spielberg was left in the dust front-runner on 16 Chairman and Kathryn Bigelow's dramatization of the hunt for Osama bin Laden.

But because Affleck are not one of the five directors who won the title on Feb. 24 Sunday to win the Globe can not shake the Director Oscar race (with the possible exception of the wings makes the Academy feel they have missed the boat). If anything, Affleck won the Globes Bigelow makes Oscar omissions appear to be as important as his.

And before last Thursday, both Bigelow and Affleck seemed to have a place guaranteed.

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