Monday 14 January 2013

Jodie Foster

Jodie Foster

So, what exactly was the fact that Jodie Foster was at the Golden Globes on Sunday? Will he come out of the closet without having to say it came out of the closet? He declared his retirement to act? He was a celebrity privacy in the most public forum imaginable?

The answer to the above: perhaps, and I think the confusion was intentional, helplessness and anxiety for Foster. The six-plus-minute speech was the actress to receive the Cecil B. DeMille Lifetime Achievement Award was a deeply personal, we got him, or perhaps ever will be. It was emotional, to the point of borderline incoherent, it is understandable. He at once addressed a room full of friends, who ex-partner, the two sons of the nation busybodies, and culture are all addicted to the "celebrity" and "reality" without a firm grasp of what is one of these constructs. Speaking of scissors, while hardly considers himself together.

Still, it came under the much-discussed "new carelessness" about the revelations of sexual orientation, with celebrities like Frank Ocean or Anderson Cooper to mention that they are gay and it's not a big deal for everyone, except, predictably, the media. The post-game reaction Foster declaration / declaration does not, as expected, has been on the map. Big deal, we always assume that you're gay, and why not 20 years ago when it would have been the difference? Or: Remind me again why we feel sympathy for the rich, successful Hollywood stars, especially in the run opened up other doors? Or those in the entertainment industry or near that: Thank you for baring talented soul in conflict. Fellow star Foster cried, clapping, tweeted. (@ Ricky_Martin:. "On the conditions before or after this time, when you feel good". @ Rosie [O'Donnell], "A pretty amazing speech." @ Kathy Griffin. "Well ladies")

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