Wednesday 13 March 2013

Google Reader

Google Reader

After the secret of the Internet, Internet giants RSS decline gradually.

The landscape is dominated format war and legal stoushes, Really Simple Syndication was one of the great universal Internet standards for nearly 20 years. The flexibility and openness of its strengths, but they also lead to downfall.

These days, people prefer to use Facebook and Twitter as a de facto RSS reader keep track of your favorite sites and objects. Content providers also prefer these channels, because they make it easier to analyze the audience and Monitise. The idea that the distribution of content through RSS also clashes with the push to build paywalls.

There was a time when there was no information junkie RSS format of choice, but the main players who want to be the gateway to the Internet is systematically undermining one of the most important open standards. Facebook and Twitter safely remove RSS links to your websites in the past few years, while Google+ does not offer RSS feeds. Chrome has never appeared on the desktop RSS reader, while Apple, ousted an RSS reader, both Safari and Apple Mail updating the Mountain Lion.

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