Wednesday 13 March 2013


Black smoke from the chimney atop the Sistine Chapel on Wednesday temporarily copper, indicating that the 115 cardinals of the Roman Catholic Church, which is the right to vote again for the new Pope Benedict XVI was elected his successor, and the voting will continue until such time as him.

The first vote was inconclusive, Tuesday, inky black smoke, and the day following the ongoing disagreements between the Cardinals, the Pope wanted to face what is relevant, sometimes conflicting requirements change after years of scandal.

Voting continues on Wednesday afternoon, and more - no more than two rounds every morning and afternoon. At the time, the white smoke from the shaft, he said, is one of the world's over one billion Catholics, we have a new guide to the many challenges facing St. Peter tserkvi.Kolokola that will ring through the vast territory of the same name, to declare the election of Benedict's successor.

What was planned as the first full day of the vote, as the conclave began on Tuesday morning, the chief priests celebrated Mass in the Pauline Chapel of the Apostolic Palace, the Sistine Chapel before the vote 16 century frescoes by Michelangelo.

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