Wednesday 6 March 2013

Hugo Chavez

Hugo Chavez

Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez, the Socialist leader, who attacked the U.S. influence in Latin America in its campaign against capitalism and democratic freedoms, died Tuesday. He was 58.

Chavez lost to cancer after months of treatment in Cuba, the Communist leaders he admired and propped up with cheap Venezuelan oil.

14 years in power, Chavez has used oil money and vitriol of his "Bolivarian Revolution" has spread to neighboring countries, which play an important role in strengthening the left in Ecuador and Bolivia, and back-revolutionaries in Colombia. He hectored the United States often detract from its leaders and flirting with his opponents.

In Venezuela, Chavez was a hero to the poor villagers who have never shared the oil wealth of the country and used the shelter and clinic. Opponents thought he was a dictator, packing oil industry with incompetent cronies, repression of political opponents and attempts to destroy Venezuela's modernization and democratization.

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