Thursday 14 March 2013

Pi Day

 Pi Day

According to CNN's Elizabeth Landau: "This is a Pi Day", and so it's like a math enthusiasts around the world is celebrated on March 14 (3-14), in honor of Pi Day Pi. Pi is the ratio of the circumference to the diameter of the circle.

Landau, in his article, there is, Daniel Tamm, which promotes French first Pi Day celebration at the Palace of Discovery Science Museum in Paris.

Pi Day in memory to Tamm important personal events. This is the one that is a special place in his heart and his relationship with the number. When he was 25, he read 22,514 digits of pi from memory in 2004, scoring a European record. He said the numbers out loud to 5 hours and 9 minutes, the audience, the Museum of the History of Science in Oxford. Many people were crying - not boredom, but a passionate and emotional delivery Tammi numbers.

According to Tam, "What is the meaning of my brain had invented such a story," recalls the incredible day. "What have I done to a poem or a novel in the number pi, and took the colors and emotions and use them to detect patterns, or at least detect patterns in the head with a memorable sense to me."

Many people around the world, including Landau was interested in the number pi, or myself remembering how many numbers you can remember in his infinite series. The problem memorizing several subsequent digits of pi no significant paintings. This allows learning to be difficult, but one way or another significant problem.

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