Friday 22 February 2013

El Chapo Guzman

 El Chapo Guzman

It seems that the Mexican drug boss Joaquin "El Chapel" Guzman is alive and well, and probably laughed thousands of Twitter users, as well as some government officials, who suggested on Thursday that he was dead.

Rumors began to slowly die Thursday afternoon, journalists in Guatemala and Mexico, the event messages that are exchanged in the remote areas of El Peten jungle, which Guzman.

News of the alleged death Chapel, which means "Shorty" in Spanish, has spread like wildfire on Thursday night, when the Minister of the Interior in Guatemala, told reporters in this country to be a shootout between drug traffickers and the Guatemalan army killed two suspected criminals . The conflict occurred in San Francisco, a small town located in the El Petén, the official said.

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