Friday 15 February 2013

Zero Hour

Zero Hour

Anthony Edwards and returned to network television premiere of "Zero Hour", the old religious conspiracies and lots of action borrowed from "The Da Vinci Code." Edwards plays Hank Ston Galli, the editor of the journal Modern Skeptic.

He was involved in the madness, when his wife bought a watch from a street vendor specific. Suddenly the clock shop and kidnapped Hank and the reporter had two favorite pursuit. They found a diamond in the watch that was engraved on the map. Hank Card in China and Germany to reporters on his way to follow the clockmaker.

It all goes back to Nazi Germany, when the Church ordained twelve new Apostles. I had a few hours to several apostles and something that drew the waters 1930 that Germany should be protected at all costs. Oh, and of course there were many bad guys who want to find them. The driver - or so it seems - a strange man in a white irises seen in flashback in Nazi Germany as a baby.

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