Tuesday 26 February 2013

Mediterranean Diet

 Mediterranean Diet

About 30 percent of heart attacks, strokes and deaths from heart disease to prevent people at high risk when you go to a Mediterranean diet rich in olive oil, nuts, beans, fish, fruits and vegetables, and even drink wine for a meal, the large and rigorous new study found.

 The results were published in The New England Journal of Medicine's Web site on Monday was based on the first large clinical trial to evaluate the effect of diet heart risks. The value of the benefits of the diet was surprised experts. The study ended early, after almost five years, because the result is so clear that it was considered unethical to continue.

Nutritional help for those who follow, even if you do not lose weight, and most of them already taking statins or blood pressure or diabetes medications to reduce the risk of heart disease.

"Impressive," said Rachel Johnson, a professor of nutrition at the University of Vermont and spokesman for the American Heart Association. "And the really important thing - the coolest thing - this is what I used to be very important ends. Not look at risk factors such as cholesterol and high blood pressure or weight. They looked at heart attacks and strokes, and death. Finally, what really matter. "

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